‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan’: Catch the Rain Campaign


Indeed water is the soul of Earth, we need to preserve it & sustain life. As per CBSE this nationwide movement could significantly bolster India’s efforts towards sustainable water use, environmental conservation, climate resilience & involving young minds for fresh idea & youthful energy.

The Sapphire School, Ratlam celebrated ‘Resources – Conservation Week 2024’ to create awareness about conservation of various natural resources; under which CBSE’s Water conservation activity – : ‘JAL DOOT’ under ‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan’: Catch the Rain Campaign was celebrated in school on 27th June’2024.

Under which various activities were held like Special Assembly, Poster making, Slogan writing, Poem telling, Speech & Group Pledge to save water, followed by inspiring Nukad Natak where message of wise use & no wastage of water was conveyed energetically. 

 Junior students were also motivated to save water & to carry the theme home through different activities, Blue Day was celebrated where all staff & kids wore blue colour to convey the message of जल संरक्षण We have tried to create awareness in mass also through promoting this campaign on our school’s Social media platforms & in Newspapers too.